Texas Meat Processors

Texas Meat Processors

Assist united states fight hunger and market ecological stewardship!

Hunters the Hungry has provided over nine million portions of venison to Texans in need of assistance. Through program, hunters can donate legitimately tagged, field-dressed deer at participating animal meat processors. The processors prepare the venison for circulation to neighborhood appetite relief agencies like meals banking institutions and meals pantries. Here's tips on how to help:


Bring your lawfully tagged, field-dressed white-tail or mule deer to a participating meat processor. You will see a nominal processing charge (~$45) to pay the processor with regards to their work. You are going to get a receipt for the contribution, which might be tax-deductible. Should your neighborhood processor just isn't a participant, keep these things register!

Meat Processors

In order to become a participating processor, just complete this type. Before every searching season, participating processors will receive contribution receipts, two-pound chub packs for donated venison and promotional materials.

Hunger Relief Agencies

Food finance companies, soup kitchens, meals pantries, as well as other appetite relief companies qualify to receive venison contributions. Contact [email protected] to be included with the list of recipient companies. Hunters the Hungry doesn't right figure out recipients (that is around the in-patient beef processor), but we do provide lists of nearby participating companies.

Source: www.feedingtexas.org
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